Tuesday, October 20, 2009

HW # 12: Feed A

The story of FEED clearly represents the internet age and screen-attached teenage dumb asses that are experiencing it to the fullest. I imagine adults (particularly those born during generation X) reading this and shaking their heads disapprovingly. "Tsk, tsk, these children are supposed to be our future, but instead they are a bunch of YouTube junkies and Tivo heads," they say to themselves, "we are fucked." But are we really? I hope not.
When Andy asked if we would get a "feed" if we could, I wasn't sure how to answer. I didn't want an Iphone at first. The idea of a touch screen scared me, it was too advanced and made things to easy. Using such advance technology to do such frivolous things, such as playing digital beer pong, made me nervous. Now it feels like an extension of me, a part of my brain that I turn off during movies. It is frighteningly close to a "feed" and as much as I would like to think I would hold up without one, I probably wouldn't and would be so excited once I could use it completely hands free.
Being a teenager is confusing because we developing a sense of self while battling raging hormones and our parents. Having all sorts of easily accessible media around telling us what to like, what to believe, and so on makes life easier during such a strange and hard period. This is why teenagers today cling to the internet. Without constantly receiving messages, we are left alone with our own thoughts, which can be really scary. Like drug and alcohol use, technology is an easy way to numb out true feelings and feel part of something without being too exposed. Most people grow out of heavy partying once they have to live in the real world, and I think my generation will have a similar experience with the internet in the future.

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