Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Essay Outline

Facebook friends, unique tattoos, new apps on your iPhone, clothes from a hip store, gossip magazines and a big screen TV provide some relief from what would otherwise be a grey hopeless misery. Unfortunately, any sense of relief will be temporary and leave us wanting more. Being cool, or trying to be is masochistic.

I. the hamster wheel

a. celebrity worship

b. cool hunters

II. living dangerously (sex, drugs, rock n roll)

a. young, famous, dead

b. maintaining your badass

III. physical- choosing appearance over health

a. tattoos

b. lengths gone to be thin (women) or muscular (men)


· The Cool Hunters by Malcolm Gladwell

· Merchants of Cool

· Anatomy of an Attitude by Dick Pountain and David Robbins

· Rebel Without a Cause

· No One Here Gets Out Alive by Jerry Hopkins

· Interviews with tattooed peers

Need sources for:

  • Drastic measures to be thin or muscular
  • Celebrity worship

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